About Legionary

Copyright  2014 by OBedeya Dorin David Aurel Ben Aharon Cohen & Blogger Buzz .  This digital art is created by :OBedeya Dorin David Aurel Ben Aharon Cohen

The Pogrom Commemoration Legionary 1941. In memory of Legionnaire Fascist persecution and the Holocaust from Romania in the years 19430-1944

In 1927, Corneliu Zelea Codreanu left the number two position (under A.C. Cuza) in the Romanian political party known as the National-Christian Defense League (NCDL). It was then he founded the Legion of the Archangel Michael. Its name appears to have been inspired by the Black Hundreds, anti-semitic thugs in the Russian Empire (particularly the regions bordering Romania) who often used the name of the archangel
The Legion also differed from other fascist movements in that it had its mass base among the peasantry and students, rather than among military veterans. However, the legionnaires shared the fascist penchant for violence, up to and including political assassinations.

Legion of the Archangel Michael, called the Legionary Movement was founded in interwar Romania, on 24 June 1927 by Corneliu Codreanu
After rupture between him and his chief mentor and proponent, AC Cuza., Legionary Movement has become a terrorist paramilitary organization nationalist-fascist.
It was created after the model  the Nazi organizations, type  SA and SS organizations with a strong character mystical-religious , violent anti-communist, anti-Semitic and anti-Masonic.
Started through religious fundamentalism on type cruciate Inquisitor by denying the nation of Israel as the chosen people.
Codreanu during his lifetime, he believes that Israel is a chosen people, for  total destruction.
Codreanu believes that Israel is a chosen people, for Antichrist, and accursed nation, deprived and decayed from sovereignty of divine grace.By Iohn Mota (John Motza) and Horia (Hary Sima) Sima have passed very quickly to Nazi ideology, by type terrorist paramilitary.

Legionary Movement flags
These flags they  have hoisted in the destroyed synagogues,in  Jewish bookstores or inside of  Hebrew theater in Bucharest. During the Legionary Rebellion of 1941.

These flags were not created in order to promote the Iron Guard. But in order to know them, to recognize clearly the flags and avoid any contact or location with these signs of Legionnaires.

Pro Germany flag, of Iron Guard, The wing Horia Sima "Aryan Brotherhood"

Flag of Iron Guard wing Horia Sima "Blackshirts ". Nucleus Tough". Ultra extremists Legionary Legionary  from  State Secret Police. Gestapo department.

Flag of Legionary Movement, wing Codreanu. Or mass flag of all Legionnaires

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